Tuesday, September 30, 2008

free write #2 finished!! (and for a grade)

Topic: Sameness and Difference. What is good about it? What is bad about it? What could be changed? Use what you know about our society and Jonas's society to write your entry.

There are many good and bad things about sameness. For example you will never be teased about how you look or how much money you have. You will all be treated the same and never have to worry about being different. You will always have food and never go starving. There is no poverty or people without homes. There is no dangerous weather or fumes. They save the earth by all riding bikes instead of cars. Their school is in good order and the students never are neglected. They all share feelings to make sure nobody has too much built up inside. When it’s all the same for a few generations they don’t even know what’s wrong with how they live. In sameness they have no way to be themselves. No talking about thing you want or believe in because you don’t know any thing about it at all. They can’t have color. No joy of seeing a rainbow after a storm. No childhood memories of playing in the rain or jumping in puddles going to the bus. No memories of anything fun we do today. I think it’s really sad. They have never been loved or even seen love. I believe that there are both pros and cons about sameness.

In difference there are many good and bad things to talk about too. For example we can express ourselves any way we want. We can do what we want (to a point) and not get in trouble. People can always have the power to be themselves. We get to choose our spouses and have our own kids. However, there are bad things in difference too. We will be teased about how we look, act, or dress. There will always be people who are against other people. There will be people suffering from starvation and loneliness. Like with sameness there are things that we love and things that need to be stopped about our society.

In both worlds there are things that need to be changed and things that should never be changed. But in the end I would never be able to choose between sameness and difference.

1 comment:

Slawinski2008 said...

Alese +8 Be sure to watch your imcomplete sentences. You have a lot in the first paragraph. Also be careful of general topic and conclusion sentences.